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    Online Fitness Programme

    We have highly qualified trainers who not only specialise in all areas of health and fitness but who genuinely care and want to support you in achieving your goals all online.

    Personal Online Training £50/mp

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    Private Fitness Studio


    We have highly qualified trainers who not only specialise in all areas of health and fitness but who genuinely care and want to support you in achieving your goals all online.

    Personal Training £74/mp

    *Limited spaces available.

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Online Fitness Programme

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£50 Per Month
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our advantages

  • advantage1


    Personal training at the fraction of the cost. Why spend £35 per session 2-3 times costing up to £110 a week when you can spend just £18.50 per week.

  • advantage2


    With over 20 years experience in the field of fat loss and injury rehab you will have the best knowledge and strategies to help reach your goals.

  • advantage3

    Life Coaching

    Unlike any other facility we run weekly life coaching and strategy sessions to help you succeed physically and mentally.

  • advantage4


    As you walk in, greeted by our friendly team, you'll instantly feel comfortable. We'll spend time getting to know you first and create the best workout and programming designed just for you.

  • advantage5

    NUtrition Plans

    Nutritional advice and our own personal monthly cookbook, meal times will never be boring again.

  • advantage6

    Customized Workouts

    Workouts built for your body, your schedule and your personal goals. Semi-private coaching sessions where you'll work with the expert team that trains other fitness professionals. You'll receive continued accountability and world-class support; no matter the goal, we've got your back!

  • advantage7

    Members Only Group

    Private members group on Facebook sharing ideas and supporting each other, along with WhatsApp support pods where it’s more than just a gym it’s a supportive community driving each other to greater results.

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